How to Submit Facebook Page for Verification

How to verify facebook page
Facebook is the biggest social networking website with more than 1.2 billion active users. It also has millions of Fan page. Some have a verification tick along with their profile and some don’t.

Facebook automatically gives a verification tick to very famous people but what if you are famous in your state or famous at small scale. You also deserve a tick near your profile and that is what we are going to learn today.

We won’t do any inspect element thing because that can only fool yourself and you see a tick near your page or profile for a few seconds(until you refresh). What’s the fun of that. Today I will teach you how to submit your page for verification. I am not giving you a guarantee that your page will get verified, I am just telling you the correct way.

Before moving ahead, make sure that you are a famous (small scale or large scale, does not matter) and have a small fan following. Make sure that to submit your page for verification, you must be a band, artist or something else. A website’s Fan page cannot be verified. Minimum 4000 – 5000 likes on your page and a proof of your with your ID in it in a word document. If you are ready then let’s begin, follow the steps below to submit your page to Facebook for Verification.

1. Open Microsoft Word and write a few lines about yourself and attach few documents like your ID proof, any image of you featuring something or doing something. You just need to proof that it is you.

2. Click here to open the Verification centre.

3. Now select the page which you want to submit for verification.
Facebook page verification centre
4. Attach the document which you made as your proof of original personality.

5. Click Submit and click for about an hour or two as the Facebook team is very fast.

You verification process is done by real humans and not robots, so you might can get rejected to Verify your page. Don’t take tension if you don’t get verified, we would come up in future with more methods to get your Facebook page verified. Just subscribe to our Newsletter to stay tuned.

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