Search Engine Marketing Terminology Guide

Search Engine Marketing Terminology

Keyword cannibalisation 
An excessive use of the same keyword or phrase that appears on too many pages within the same website, making it difficult for the search engines to identify which page is most relevant result for that keyword.
Keyword density
The percentage in which a particular keyword appears on a web page. If this percentage is too high, the search engines may consider it as and over-optimised and prevent it from ranking.
Keyword group
Also referred to as; keyword theme
A group of keywords that are related.
Keyword research 
The work of determining which keywords are appropriate for targeting.
Keyword stuffing
Also referred to as; keyword spam
Inappropriately high keyword density on a web page. Search engines consider pages with an unnaturally high percentage of keywords as over optimised and not of benefit to the user.
Landing page
A page that a user lands on when they click on a link in a SERP, from an advert or a link.
Also referred to as; prospect
A user who declares their interest on your website by taking an action.
A clickable element on a web page that to cause the browser to either navigate to another page,  or another part of the current page.
Link bait 
A webpage that creates content that is specifically designed with the purpose of attracting incoming links, often via social media.
Link building
To actively cultivate incoming links to a website.
Link exchange 
Also referred to as; reciprocal link, link partner
A mutual link between two websites, practised to pass mutual traffic and link juice to one another. An outdated SEO technique that provides little or no value.
Link farm
A set of web pages and websites that are created with the sole purpose of linking to a target page, in order to improve its search engine ranking.
Link juice
The trust, authority and pagerank that is passed to a website from another that links to it.
Link love 
Also referred to as; dofollow
An outgoing link, which passes trust, authority and page rank.
Long tail keywords
A more specific type of search query.
META tags
Also referred to as; metadata, meta description
HTML elements used to provide structured data for a web page, such as; page description and keywords.
A system or standard of measurement used in analytical programs.
Create income from a website or platform. Adsense ads are one way to Monetise a website.
A command that can be assigned a HTML element, instructing search engines that the link should pass influence to target pages authority in the search engine’s index.
A command that can be assigned a HTML element, instructing search engine robots to not index the page or specific element.
Off page SEO
Practices that optimise your webpages outside of your website.
Building links from other authoritative websites back to your page in order to increase it’s ranking is a form off off site SEO.
On page SEO
Practices that optimise your webpages content, links, structure and other elements in order to increase their ability to rank in the search engine results pages.
Organic search results 
Also referred to as; natural search results, organic results
Search results that appear in the organic search section, opposed to the paid advertising section of a search engine results page.
Outbound Link 
Also referred to as; out going link, outlink, backlink
A link on a webpage that navigates to another webpage.
Paid Search Results
Search results that appear in the paid search section, opposed to the organic advertising section of a search engine results page.
Also referred to as; PR
PageRank is an algorithm that Google use to measure the importance of website pages, influencing where they rank in the search engine results pages.
Process of letting the search engines your website has been recently updated.
Also referred to as; pay per click, cost per click
Internet advertising model that is used to direct traffic to websites, in which a monetary amount is paid to an advertising platform when someone clicks on an advertisement.
Press Release
Also referred to as; news release, media release, press statement
Written or recorded communication directed at members of the news media to announce something newsworthy.
Method that is used to direct a URL to a specific web page. Typically used when a web page is moved to a new domain.
Regional keywords
Also referred to as; local search query
A word or or group of words that a user types into a search engine that includes a geographical location.
A file in the root directory of a website used to control the access that search engine spiders have when crawling and indexing files.
Also referred to as; return on investment
The analysis used to quantify the cost / benefit ratio of different marketing methods.
RSS Feed
Also referred to as; rich site summery, really simple syndication
Enables publishers to syndicate data automatically. Typical use would be blog entries, news headlines, podcasts, audio, video with full or summarised text and metadata.
To copy data from a website with an automated bot.
Search engine
Also referred to as; SE
A program that searches an organised index for relevant matches in order to serve the information to a user who types in a search query using keywords.
Google, Yahoo and Bing are the most widely used search engines.
Also refers as; search engine marketing
Practise of increasing the visibility of website pages in the search engines using promotional strategies, optimisation and advertising.
Also referred to as; search engine optimisation
Process of increasing the number of qualified visitors to a website by achieving visibility through high search engine rankings.
Also referred to as; Search Engine Results Page
The page you see after typing a search query into a search engine.
Site map 
A directory of the internal pages of web site. Typically organised in hierarchical format and accessible for both crawlers and users to navigate a websites pages.
Also referred to as; social media marketing
The practise of gaining website traffic and brand exposure through advertising and promotion through the use of popular social media platforms.
Social bookmark 
Where users use a centralised online service which enables them to add, edit and share web documents.
Social media 
Technology used by people to communicate information and perspectives through a network. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest are examples of social media platforms.
A person who sends and posts unsolicited emails, messages and comments in order to gain an advantage.
Also referred to as; bot, robot, crawler
A program search engines use to find and add web page data to their index so that they can serve it as a result to a search query.
Splash page
Also referred to as; welcome gate, intro page
A page that is presented to a user before they enter a website. Not good for SEO.
Static page
A web page that is delivered to the user exactly as it stored, the opposite to a dynamic web page where content is generated using an application. Often used for pages that don’t have to be frequently updated..
A page or website that has stickiness is either makes people want to stay on it for longer or come back to it regularly.
Lowering the bounce rate of a web page could also be described as improving stickiness.
Squeeze Page
Also referred to as; lead capture page, opt in page
A page created with the sole purpose of getting the user to declare interest by sharing their contact information.
Toolbar pagerank 
A value between 0 and 10 assigned by the Google to quantifies the importances of a page.
Not to be confused with the Pagerank algorithm, Toolbar Pagerank is only updated periodically and should not be used as a reliable indicator of a pages current status.
Also referred to as; uniform resource locator, web address
The text that you type into a web browser address bar.
User generated content 
Content that is created by the users of the website. Social media websites like Facebook and twitter are specifically designed for it’s users to generate content.
Other types of websites where users generate content include wikis, forums and some blogs.
Web 2.0
Modern style website platforms that encourage user generated content and interaction.
White hat
SEO techniques that do not attempt to manipulate the search engine algorithm, conforming to guideline and best practise.
Here is a guide to the most commonly used search engine optimisation language.
In its simplest form, a 301 redirect is a permanent redirect from one URL to an other.
Google paid advertising system. A popular platform used to set up targeted online advertising campaigns on googles vast network of websites.
Adwords site
Also referred to as: MFA’s, Made For Adsense, Made For Advertisements
Websites that run advertising using Googles Ad network in exchange for a share of advertising revenue. They are usually structured to encourage ad clicks.
Affiliate Site
Affiliate sites feature information on products or services that are sold by other websites in exchange for a commission.
Also referred to as; algo, ranking system
In SEO terms, this is a program that processes a set of rules in order to calculate and determine the best pages to suggest for a search query.
Alt text
Also referred to as; Alternative Text, ALT, alt attribute
A description of an image or graphic, which usually isn’t displayed to the end user, unless the graphic is undeliverable, or a browser is used that doesn’t display graphics.
Alt text is important because search engines can’t read images and this text allows them to distinguish one from another.
A program that discovers and communicates meaningful patterns of data. Google Analytics is a popular, free program that can give you detailed information about your websites usage.
Anchor text 
Anchor texts refers to the visible, clickable text used in a link, link label or link title. Words contained within anchor text can help search engines identify the relevancy of the page it’s linking to.
Also referred to as; trust, credibility
The authority of a website will determine its ability to rank in the search engines. Google and other search engines calculate the authority of a website using a multitude of rules that are written into their algorithm.
Factors are thought to include domain age, quality of website content and inbound links from other trusted websites.
Authority site 
An established website that is trusted by the search engines as a reliable source of information. The trust built up allows the website to achieve rankings for relevant search queries. Wikipedia, is a good example of an authority site.
Back link 
Also referred to as; inlink, incoming link, inbound link
Any link into a page or site from any other page or site.
Black Hat
Search engine optimisation tactics that do not comply with search engine guidelines and best practices.
Also referred to as; web log, news feed, content feed
A website that is specifically created to publish content on an ongoing basis. Commonly presented in reserve chronological order to show the most recent ‘blog post’ first.
These websites are great for search engine optimisation as the allow you to easily publish fresh unique content and build you reputation as an authority.
Also referred to as; robot, spider, crawler
A program search engines use to find and add web page data to their index so that they can serve it as a result to a search query.
Bounce rate
The measurement in percentages of visitors to a website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page.
A high bounce rate typically indicates that the page either isn’t relevant to the visitor or does not offer an incentive to explore more of the website.
Bread crumbs 
Also referred to as; breadcrumb trail
A navigation that links back to the top level pages of the website. It’s useful for letting the visitor know exactly where they are on the website and how they can navigate back to the main area.
Cache Date
Search engines do not index websites in real time unless they are constantly being updated (like news websites). Instead they index a copy of your data from the last time they crawled your website.
A cache is the temporary storage of content. A cache date refers to the last time a search engine crawled your website.
Call to Action
Also referred to as; CTA
A specific instruction that you present to your website visitors in order to get them to take pre-defined action. This is usually in the form of an email sign up, contact from or add to cart button.
Canonical issues 
Also referred to as; duplicate content
Canon means; legitimate or official version. Canonical issues occur when a website is presenting duplicate content to a search engine and are common when using a content management systems and eCommerce platforms.
Issues can be easily avoided with the placement of the no index tag in the no canonical pages or with 301 redirects.
Citations are a reference to an original source of information. In search engine terms they are used to credit the original source with a link back to the original content.
They are useful for giving credibility to information listed on a website and therefore commonly used to help search engines like Google identify the existence and location of a business.
A black hat tactic designed to trick the search engines into thinking that a website is delivering a different type content to a user than it actually is.
 Also referred to as; Content Management System
A computer program that allows someone to publish, modify and maintain the content on a website from a central interface.
Comment Spam
 Also referred to as; link spam
Unsolicited links that are posted using user generated content systems like blog comments, forums and wikis.
The part of the websites that is intended to be of interest to the visitor. It may come in the form of text, images, video, audio or animation.
Navigation, advertisements and branding are not generally considered to be content.
Content Syndication
Process of pushing your website content onto third-party sites using either a full article, a snippet or link.
Contextual Advertisement
Advertising which is related to the content.
Also referred to as; goal
Achievement of a pre-defined goal on a website. Good examples of this would be a form submission or a sale.
Conversion rate 
Percentage of users who convert – see conversion.
Also referred to as; cost per acquisition, pay per action, cost per action
The amount that is paid to an advertising platform for each specified action. An example of this could include (but not limited too): a click, form submit or sale.
Also referred to as; cost per click, pay per click
The amount that is paid to an advertising platform when someone clicks on your advertisement.
Also referred to as; cost per thousand impressions
The amount that is paid to an advertising platform per one thousand impressions. M is the roman numeral for one thousand.
Also referred to as; click through rate, click rate
The percentage of webpage visitors who click a hypertext link to a particular site.
A website thats created with the purpose of organising and listing links to other pages. Often by alphabetical order or category.
A link that may be followed by a search engine in the absence of the attribute “rel=’nofollow'”
Duplicate content 
Content that appears on more than one website or page. Content is seen to be duplicate when it (or a substantial portion of it) is identical or very similar to content found on another page.
You may not be penalised for having duplicate content on your website, but it won’t help you gain any authority.
Earned Media
Also referred to as; earned link, organic link
Publicity, exposure and links gained through promotional efforts other than paid advertising.
Google’s spider program that crawls through and collects data from pages on the world wide web.
Grey Hat
SEO that uses both Black Hat and White Hat techniques in an attempt to achieve higher rankings.
Also referred to as; hyper text markup language
A standardised language for styling text files. Can be used to create and alter the appearance of font, colour, graphics and hyperlink effects.
Also referred to as; page view
Where a user views a webpage a single time.
In bound link 
Also referred to as; inlink, incoming link, backlink
Any incoming links to a website or web page.
Indexed pages
The pages on a website which have been indexed by a search engine.
Also referred to as; key phrase
A word or or group of words that a user types into a search engine.

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